Facelift - Necklift

by Stephan Gehle

Facelift and Necklift

As an proven expert in natural face and neck lifting I have written an article in the German Plastic Surgery magazine. The summary shows all the "Current methods in facelift surgery". It gives an overview of the anatomy of the face, indications for the different facelift techniques that lead to a fresh appearance and reveals tricks to avoid complications. The article is designed as a CME article. You can request the questions directly from the publisher. Read the paper here.

The important thing for us is to always achieve natural results with our facelift techniques. We want to refill the cheeks, bring sagging tissue back up, eliminate sagging cheeks and restore the jawline. In addition, the skin should become firmer again; but all this without the undesirable "facelift stigmata" (such as distorted cheeks and earlobes pulled down, etc).

We are happy to advise you, because a facelift should only be performed by experts.